I grow weary of narrowmindedness

I’m surrounded by people who have no broad thoughts or who only want to do things their way. It’s so frustrating sometimes.

I think I’m PMSing these days… because everything that is sensitive is sore and swollen… including my emotions. And folks just wanna keep poking at me. It’s not fair.

Maybe after I get past this cycle… I’ll feel better about the world in general.

So I’m back on the market again… and folks can check my teeth and make sure I’m fertile. I’m back on the Auction block. I’m trying to get another job. Why stay sedentary?

I just got sucked into this game at HM.com… I played for like… an hour I haven’t done that in a minute. It was fun.. but now I’m exhausted and must get some beddy bye 🙂

Tomorrow is another day.

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