Supersized is supposed to be… better… no?
me: this world is crazy.
me: this girl is on the air… and she’s trying out for Miss Info’s job..
Max: ?
Max: oh lawd
me: so, they’re talking about how good she looks and they ask her her height and weight.
me: so she says… I’m 5’7″…
me: and 115 lbs.
Max: what the fuck does that have to do with anything
me: so they’re like NAAAAH… you ain’t no 115 lbs….
Max: she’s on the RADIO
me: so they get her to admit that she’s actually 145 lbs.
me: so then they say… “but that 145 is in all the right places”
me: like…
me: it’s BAD to be 145…
Max: yeah really
me: what the hell is the world coming to???????
Max: shit that used to be my goal weight
me: I’m like… DYING to be 145 again,.
me: okay???????????????????????????????????????????
Max: my thing is what the fuck does it have to do with anything
Max: we can’t see her ass
Max: disgusting
me: i feel like going in there and smacking all of them silly.
Max: they don’t ask men questions like that
me: of course not.
me: *sigh*
Max: you should go in and slap them all
me: *sigh*
me: so…
me: at 220…. I must be just unthinkably big.
me: you want to know what the real problem is….
me: and this is the real problem (my personal real problem)
Max: well shit I must be a blimp
me: When I look in the mirror…
me: I don’t feel crazy about how I look.
me: I could change a few things…
me: and maybe that would be okay.
me: but I don’t think I’m this behemoth…
me: that folks think that I should feel like.
Max: i feel you
me: *sigh*
me: perception is the evil of this world.
Max: yeah and the shit of it is that the perception is completely unrealistic
Max: the average woman looks nothing like the bony hoes they keep shoving at us
Max: It is as if they want to drive the majority of women to look like the slim minority of women
Max: They don’t advertise for real women
me: *sigh*
Max: they don’t make clothes for them
Max: what the fuck are regular women supposed to do?
me: *sigh*
me: they all want us to be these deprived waif hairless children.
me: and I’m like…
me: NO
me: I’m all woman damnit.
Max: word
Max: fuck that shit
me: *sigh*