OOOOOOH… I LIKE IT!!!!! (that was for my baby!)
YES! It is here and I’m alive and well..
it is a GLORIOUS FALL DAY, just the way I always love my Birthday to be.
I am tingly this morning. I just feel really good and happy and loved and blessed. Whatever this day will bring I know it will be FABULOUS! I can’t wait to see what it yields!
I wish more people had the day off WITH me so I didn’t have to go it alone, but I’m okay. I don’t mind being with me. I’m alright with hanging out with Victoria for a few more years 🙂 She’s turned out to be someone I downright love 🙂
And I look forward to tonight. Whatever my baby has planned. He’s wonderful. Called me at midnight to wish me a happy birthday. EVERYTHING I prayed for. GOD does certainly answer prayers. Just in HIS time.
Gosh, I’ve never felt my heart this open to life before. This is a really great feeling!!!!!! I woke up smiling.
Thank you Lord! I know this year is going to be better than all the rest!!