Christmas… a day late

So, I’ll dispense of the details as to why it was late. But the delivery of my custom arcade (provided by the good folks at SoulShot Studios) gift was delayed by a day and some. I was supposed to get it Christmas Eve, but unfortunately, it didn’t materialize till midnight last night (today…really). And there are still a couple of things that I need to do to it. But it works well for the most part. Enough for my baby to be completely enthralled with it. I don’t think he even really knows where he is anymore…. LMAO! Which is MY Christmas gift. I waited to see that look on his face since October.

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He says he’s in awe with it. Earl is so reserved with me. I don’t know if he’s like that all the time, but he’s so quiet and not super animated. I’ve seen him be. And I guess I was expecting this big reaction from him. But the reaction he’s given… I know he loves it… and he’s excited about it. I think I made the right choice 🙂

Merry Christmas sweetie 🙂


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