Recap crap

Recap crap

Yeah… it’s been a minute but between multiple freelance projects, Summer Jam, family stuff and general work… there’s been so much going on. I yearn for a day when I can just SIT DOWN. Seriously. I must be suffering from Beyonceitis. Any how… I’ll try to give a brief update on the whirlwind of thoughts lately.

Get on DEEZ…

I like driving a lot. I was remarking to MJ the other day that DEEZ (my car) has become the new shower stall for me. While I drive, I sing loudly and off key and no one can hear me. But I’m effin up the songs, as far as I’m concerned… as I zip down the road goin’ fast a la Ricky Bobby. Driving is definitely a freeing feeling. I enjoy it very much more than I thought I would. I wish there were straighter, cleaner, less pothole ridden holes in NY so that my wanderlust / need for speed wouldn’t consequently ufk up my suspension and struts. DEEZ is a trooper thought. My new road dawg. It’s like she has a personality and I don’t feel quite as alone driving as I do taking the train or walking, strangely enough. She’s good things. (And GUTSY)

Mistaken Identity

J and Cher had their baby. I thought I blogged about the dream I had last week where she delivered the baby and it was a girl. They’ve been expecting a boy. And I think I even texted him the next morning with the transcript of the dream. Not sure if it’s something expectant couples even want to hear about in the 11th hour, but I felt it necessary to relay. I got a text message from him last night that Isaiah was born Marleigh-Loren (a girl). I felt pretty ethereal and celestial at that point, ready to wear numerous beads on my wrists with long flowing blue mumus and a begin large collection of crystal balls. But… instead, I was just happy to hear that she is born, happy, healthy and mom and dad are blissful.

The Return of La Mama

Domi is fully moved in with mom, which makes for a gentler, happier mom. She seems happier with generally everything. I even had a chance to take her to the doctor last week. I’m on the phone with her now and she’s so chatty… she’s coming back… I missed her.

Brooklyn Bloodletting…

Living in Brooklyn has been pretty sweet… all with the exception of the arrival of summer. The mosquitoes out here are really not playing. I’m not really used to them being in numbers like they are here. The amount of them that we have is comparable to the amount of roaches I was dealing with in Queens. 2 huge differences – 1) Mosquitoes bite. 2) They carry disease which they can happily transfer on to you. So I’ve become a human pin cushion and in addition to gassing myself pretty much every night with Raid Flying Insect and spraying Deet on my skin, I’ve learned to wear long sleeved shirts with hoodies and long pants with socks to sleep so as to avoid having to scratch myself into oblivion. Tonight, the hubby and I really sealed up any entrances they might have been taking advantage of as well as mass extermination where we could find them. I hope it makes a difference. It’s the ONLY thorn in paradise. Otherwise, I still adore my apt with it’s lovely light.

That’s pretty much it right now…

More. Later. Sooner.


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