The S. Carolina Chronicles – Post IV – Exodus
Yep… I’m still in South Carolina.
Having a bit of a time getting out of here.
Where I thought I gave myself enough time to get up, get dressed, complete packing, gas up the car, drive to the airport, drop it off at the rental gate and board my plane – the mechanics of South Carolina made it so that I missed my flight by a mere 5 minutes.
Everything went great till the gassing part. Then driving to the Airport I didn’t take the following things into consideration – 1) It’s basically nighttime at 5:00 AM – darkness spread and I couldn’t see so that was generally uncomf0rtable. 2) I assumed that every airport in every city was clearly marked, well lit and highly visited (my mistake) 3) My love for Garmin let me down.
I made a wrong turn. The airport was like in a swamp behind a hill, under a mountain… damned near impossible to find. Garmin had me going to locked gates and closed facilities. When I finally got to the rental car spot, no one was there…
to be continued… they’re boarding our flight…
Okay… false alarm because the dim-wit at the microphone confused the word Philadelphia with the word Charlotte. Asses.
So… no one was there at the rental desk… I started to freak out and God sent me a man who came out from somewhere wearing a Alamo / National uniform who took the keys and sent me on my way just when I was freaking out.
Here’s where my mistake was made and in hindsight if I had done this… I may be on a plane right now instead of sitting here fuming mad that i can’t be on my way to my hunny right now. I went right to the gate entrance. All in a huff. All in a hurry. It was a long line and I was all afraid that I wasn’t going to make it through to the gate in time…
Till I took a good hard look and saw folks whipping out …. what?
TICKETS!!!!! That’s right children. I didn’t go get my boarding pass. YUM! But never fear. It was 6:00… in NY the flights close at 15 minutes before the departure time… so I should be straight. I ran to the ticketing booth and punched in my name and it read “You are too late for checking in at this time. Please see a ticket counter attendant”. My heart sank… but I encouraged myself just to be calm. I walked to the ticket attendant and snarkily she confirmed what the terminal told me. That I missed the flight… the boarding doors close 30 minutes before departure here. Greeeeaaaaat… So she snarkily rebooked me on a flight to Charlotte and a connecting standby to NYC.
More drama at the gate since I’ve been here, but I think they’re actually going to board my flight now. *sigh* PRAY that I don’t kill anyone…