If I Didn’t Already Know I Am The Winner of this shit…

I would get so discouraged at these setbacks. But I KNOW I am victorious when this is all said and done. It’s just hellafied difficult to keep my chin up when it just comes at me in droves like this. Okay – so I didn’t write about my anniversary day because… well, I’d not been writing for a while.

Our first anniversary was quiet and wonderful… The night before was just us snuggling and enjoying one another’s company. Then the morning of – which was a Monday morning – we were off because it was a holiday (holler) and so we slept in late… luxuriated in the quiet of our apartment, laying there with talking and laughing about things that happened with us and to us in our year together as man and wife. A lot of it was me thinking about how much I really still like him very much and as far as “the first year being the toughest one” rule goes – I had a really great time, despite the bump or two… I’m feeling more and more like friends every day and love coming home to him. After enough luxuriating, we finally decided to get out of bed and begin making breakfast (at noon). So he was about to go to the store to get some fixings for the breakfast that he wanted to cook for me. He got his clothes and coat on and left. A few minutes later he calls and I’m expecting that he forgot something and needs me to toss it down to him. I pick up… “ummm… baby… someone broke into your car,” he says. And I feel myself just… feel powerless. What can I really say to that? What can I really do? I went down to look at the damage – the smashed the front passenger side window in… they went into the glove compartment looking for whatever treasures I had. They stole 3 beat CDs my boy MJ made for me, my wedding CD, my iPod cables (yep… I put both of them in there…) my phone car charger and they tried to take my phone holder (which the police said was the whole reason for the break-in. The thieves saw the holder there perched on my dashboard and assumed that I had a GPS system in my glove compartment which didn’t have a lock on it). That was it. Potentially $600 – 900 worth of damage for less than $50 (IF they can get that much for it) worth of stuff. Luckily in that situation, the insurance we had covered the glass – so we didn’t have to pay for the repair on it at all. Now, I just gotta be careful about what’s in my car and what can be seen from the outside and perceived as wealth. Cause you know… you can’t have NOTHING. Nothing. Nowhere…

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