Even though I’m at the end of the 16th week I’ll call it what it is. I’m really mellow these days. I am listening quietly to the things happening to my body. Hoping I don’t miss something significant. ?
As of our last perinatal appointment, the placenta previa is gone, since being on the lovenox and baby aspirin, the placenta has stabilized and no new clots have formed. And there looks to be a little happy baby girl in there. She’s running out of space to move around but she’s intensely full of personality (or at least we’re assigning a bunch of personality to her). During the ultrasound this week, the technician says “Oh look, she’s kicking your placenta”. And it wasn’t some random one kick two kick. It was rapid fire a la Charlie Murphy’s story about Rick James – “F*ck Yo Placenta” style kicking. Good thing I can’t feel it yet. She was giving it her all.
After my shower yesterday, as I’m toweling off, Earl calls me over and says… hey…. you’re showing and then caressed my tummy. Yeah. I am. And that comes with all the benefits and downfalls. LOL – achy back. shaky pelvis. achy back. pregnant stance. achy back. shortness of breath from having walked down… THE HALLWAY? achy back. LOL
Wouldn’t trade this in for anything else. I’m still waiting to fully connect this to me. I haven’t yet gotten the distinct sensation that this is ME this time. OUR baby in MY body. I’m so used to celebrating everyone else… that I still think they’re feeding in video from the next room when they’re showing me this little wonder writhing about. She’s in ME….. Amazing. We’ve picked her name and although we don’t say it allowed (yeah, we had the “yeah these are the names we picked” and someone stole the name right out from under us scenario happen) in mixed company, we call her by name in the house all day. And I can’t WAIT to speak it to her for the first time. For her to know all the strength and the power and amazing sensation she’s already caused in our lives and what’s in store for her.
On to my appointment with the nutritionist so I can learn to better feed my body and feed her.