How we got engaged
*sigh* I’ve been waiting to write that title since I was i the 4th grade (and mean it)...
I strapped my patch on today and immediately my mind started playing tricks on me. Making me think...
It’s a Celebration
I have been truly blessed this weekend. I have so much love around me. I don’t even have...
Last Post as 20something…
On the Eve of 30 Good bye 20-something…. That’s it for me… the days of frivolity as a...
T-Minus 2…
2 days till my bday. I’m not feeling crazy about it… like I thought I was. I straight...
I have been cheating. That’s right. I’ll come out and say it. I’ve been having a torrid passionate...
Self Loathing
“We don’t like ourselves sometimes,” mom said today as she cut half of the jelly donut waiting for...
Not even a title for this post. It’s been quite some time since I did post. And of...
Party All Night… Into the Day
That’s what we did. Me and my very best friends got together at Sug’s Discovery Sendoff and we...