Not Long Enough
Weekends need to be my weeks. Monday through Friday, I vie for Saturday and Sunday and just before...
Old School
It’s amazing what good movies can do for a night. Good, old school movies that take you back...
God Answers Prayers
I can’t believe I forgot to elaborate / tell the story of God’s Goodness. So I’ll do it...
Diva Friday with the Ladies…
So… Friday (4/15) I had planned a night out for my girls and I. It was due time....
Yearning for Your Love
I was sitting here updating my blog, surfing the web… and just relaxing. Enjoying a day of not...
Usually, right before a flight, I sit with the jitters… butterflies in my tummy… just nervous. I always...
Blessings and Best Wishes
So after a whirlwind weekend of excitement and joy on both of our parts, my baby came by...

How we got engaged
*sigh* I’ve been waiting to write that title since I was i the 4th grade (and mean it)...
The Power of Life and Death
… is in the tongue. What power and awe can be instilled with words. I’m sitting here on a...