Closed Every Day.
What I felt (and still feel) in my SOUL: You know… the one God put there? (not counting...

Never My Love
Only him. Only his music can do this to me. Stop me dead in my tracks and MAKE...
Rough Night, Early Morning
Not much to say. Super drained. Super tired. MIL took to cleaning her oven this am … fumes...

Sugarwater / Pack Light
I had the honor of going to the Sugar Water Festival last night out in Jones Beach. What...
So Moved … to Be
starting at 4:34 off of Common’s new album… recited by Pops Be Be here Be there Be that...
94 Rugged Raw
I’m deep by sound alone, caved inside in a thousand miles from home I need a new nigga,...
What’s the Worst that Could Happen?
I’ve been on a music discovery for the last few days. Just forcing myself to listen to new...
Big and Beautiful
Tonight I surprised my baby with tickets to see Jill Scott in concert. I’ve been planning this since...