On November 30th, I wrote: “…If i isolate my esteem in this deprivation tank how long might it...
Dance, Ya Know it!
Today was filled with entertainment. Firstly i got the opportunity to hang with Max ALL DAY. I thought...
I had an epiphany today on the train. Why name an ailment by the combination of letters and...
Party Train
This was a good weekend. I just cold stopped writing for the weekend. Every night I got in...
Homeward Bound from Texas – Part II
Okay… it’s now 3:37 PM Texas time… but I think that since I’m in the plane on the...
Texas Shenanigans, Pt IIIa
I just got back from the much anticipated Alpha party and much to my dismay it was wack....
Texas Shenanigans, Pt III
Here I am… I spent the whole day in my room. With the exception of when I went...
Texas Shenanigans – Pt II
Okay… I gotta call down to NY and start hustling. I am running out of money and it’s...
Texas Shenanigans
It took me two days to start writing again because I really haven’t had a minute for myself....