I’m failing this test…
Three years now. I’ve been stuck. Officially stuck. Since June 1, 2017. Everything in me wanted to see...

Eventful weekend. After an extremely memorable (in a bad way) day at work on Thursday, complete with demotivation...
Rotting on the Vine
I’m not sure what I did. Or maybe I do. I don’t want to consider it all to...

Awkward Black Girl Who ROCKS
By virtue of being on the team at BET Networks, I had the fortune of attending Black Girls...
Haven’t The Heart
It’s been a minute since I’ve sat down to blog my thoughts. I haven’t really had a lot...
You Don’t Eat Chaaaaaannnneeeeessseeee Fooooood!
Yep… that’s how drunk I am right now. That upon discussing the delicious food (particularly the samosas) at...
Okay… so I’m stressing out. Up until this point, I was fine and really, couldn’t care less about...
Insomnia The birds in my neighborhood start their song at 4:30AM. Why do I know this? Cause I...
Free Bird…
Free Bird… And other non-wedding related tales from the week past Free Bird: My baby did it. He...
Cheese Fries and Red Wine
This here is the reason I’ll never lose any significant amounts of weight and be able to KEEP...