I Need a Drink
I didn’t anticipate my day going this way. I thought it would be much smoother, but it was...
To Whom Titles are Given… Work Is Expected
Promotions. Incentives. Upgrades. Executive. Chief. Senior. Managerial. Supervising. All of them equal work and responsibilities. And frustration. And...
We’re in a society that discourages honesty. What’s worse, we’re in a society that discourages shared candid thought....
Thick Skin, Bullet Proof Soul
There is a part of me… my Achilles’ Heel… that is still affected by nasty assed rude stupid...
On the Eve of Destruction
Here I am. The night before I have to turn my borrowed soul back to those undertakers. And...
More Mexico
Visuals… moving ones!! A little video edit a la Dave Chapelle circa Rick James true story. (I had...
Mexico Blog 2
Okay… so now I’m on the plane on the way home. I thought I would blog more, but...
Mexico Blog
So… you’re supposed to be to the airport 2 hours before you board the flight… you know.. in...
It’s supposed to rain the whole time I’m down there… Corporate office keeps deferring shit that we need...
Shaping up to be a good day
Shaping up to be a good day… A meeting I thought I had at 9:30… is actually every...