Lots going on today. I’m hearing that the terrorists are 70% ready to attack the US in the Summertime. They were 40% ready at the beginning of the year, but we’re just hearing about it now. *sigh*

My baby and I went out on a date tonight. We went to see Shrek 2. It was pretty cool. It was really ust nice spending time with my shnookie. And then he dropped me off here.

Today was kind of a quiet day. Got back in the gym today and officially sign up tomorrow. So I’m excited about being able to just log in and feel like i really belong. Work out was good today. I paced myself. It was good. But it won’t undo the meal at Deborah’s last night with Domi. Something I needed though. Comfort food is happy. But my weigh in may suffer for it. We’ll see. Consistency must win out this time 🙂

We’re doing this … win a free wedding on the station now and folks are writing in to prove why they are the deserving couple. It’s kind of nice. A majority ofthe folks that are writing in are the guys. And they’re all so romantic about their women. Black Love Lives 🙂


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