Not even a title for this post. It’s been quite some time since I did post. And of course, in my usual fashion, I’ve forgotten half the stuff that happened this week. I do remember it being stressful, having had the last straw with my part timer at work and just kicking my ethic into overdrive. I feel that if I have anymore brainstorming sessions, I’ll have a drought up there soon. Everything is a new think tank of ideas and I feel like I’m the only one carting ideas into the meeting. So work has been sincerely working me.
Preparations all week were taking place for the White Linen Party which finally happened yesterday (more on that later) and scrambling for cash on my part has, once again, brought to light how much backing I really have. Thank the Lord I have people who are willing to look out for me in my times of need. I hope that is a result of my friendships and allegiances and not coincidence. Although I didn’t get to have my dress made or anything, I did end up looking alright, despite my mutant glasses *sigh* Which is another story that I’ll get to. (I have a lot to catch up on.
The party itself, I feel was great. People really went out of their way. Firstly, they drove 2, maybe 2 and 1/2 hours out of their way to get to the house. They ALL wore outfits of white. Every last person. And they all stayed late, until the atmosphere got a little unfavorable, but that is another story. It warmed my heart to know that folks were willing to do so much – and yeah… maybe for some it was to be able to say “they spent a weekend in the Hamptons” but mostly, for them to enjoy good company (and great food) with old friends. It felt really good. I count this blessing – my friends.
There is so much more to tell, but pictures say a thousand words. Until I come up with more of my own: The White Linen Affair