Always a Better Day
…just around the corner.
Always has to be. I always need to think that way. Because bad stretches of time cannot last forever. There ALWAYS has to be something better on the horizon. I just pray on it.
Last night I gave that advice to a friend / co-worker of mine who lost his phone, might be in trouble with his frat, roomate is bailing on him sooner than he thought and no longer has his laptop computer (he’s a web designer, so equate that to cutting off his arm). And I told him not to despair. That something HUGE and WONDERFUL is right around the corner for him.
Today is a much better day. I’m remaining unflappable. I took a lot of deep breaths today and although my dreams / nightmares last night were saturated with the events of yesterday, I was able to wake up quiet and focused again. I’ll be at work late (again) but I’m hoping all of that is in an effort to clear my weekend and make it so that I can just sit back and relax with good friends, cherished family and a little florida sunshine.