Daughters of Two Worlds

Thought’s Daughter meets Daughter of the Sun


I stumbled upon this woman’s instagram documentation of her life and I have to say I’m in absolute awe.   Despite the EXTREME city girl that I am and how thoroughly spoiled I am by the comforts of “civilization”… there is a part of me that DESPERATELY wishes I lived just like this… and could have raised Athena in exactly this way.  Her little spirit would have soared being at one with the elements and the undeniable spirit of the freedom of curiosity that oozes from this little one in the pictures.

And this was the one that did it to me… that made me wish that I could be in her shoes.

The absolute serenity of her waterbirth…  I wanted that so so much.  But technology and innovation made it possible for me to have Theeny at all.  I don’t curse it.  I just abhor this feeling of living my life through a glovebox – handling everything but never really “feeling” any of it.

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