I struggle with staying true to what I’ve always thought and said about things, people and situations.

Death is a great equalizer…

I got news today that one of the original charter members of my undergraduate chapter passed away last night.   It’s absolutely no mystery that she and I were not on the best of terms.  She was on one side of the issue that changed our lives with AKA and I was on the other.   We had not been in touch with one another for years and we were both fine with it that way.   But before that fateful occurrence in our lives – we DID get along.   We shared a commonality in our heritage.  She was the first “big” girl I’d ever witnessed that carried it with pride and dressed well and had swag.  She was intelligent and loud and boisterous but always stuck to her guns and was immovable when she put her mind to something.

Once upon a time – we considered each other sisters.   Life is strange and quick with the way it changes courses and you find yourself making decisions about who to have around you in the blink of an eye.

She was my age. And she leaves to suffer her memory a small boy child.   She taught for a living – so she extended herself to educate the youth in the profession that mentors all other professions.  These are all the things I would know to say about her if I was asked, because we were not in touch directly for over 18 years.  But she is the first of the Charter Line to pass – so tonight I choose to remember her in the positive days we shared.

Rest in peace, Dorothy.



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