Kiss Me On My Neck

Categories: check in, esteem, figuring it out, love & marriage, random musings

I was on IM today talking to one of my photographers. He was attempting to get some pictures to me from an event he shot last night. “Well, what are my options” (in getting the pictures to my office). And I said, “Do you know how to FTP?” and he said… “lol!… YES I DO! … Read More


Categories: check in

I just want to post something here at all. I’ve been nuts lately. I’m so tired today, but I did get a good night’s sleep. And now I’m off to a meeting. So I guess I’ll try posting again later. I just wanted to make sure I log on here at all and attempt a … Read More


Categories: check in

I was so out of it today. I didn’t get a chance to go to the office today. I ate something that was horrid the night before last. Got so sick that I DREAMT about getting up and hurling. And then I fulfilled my dream at 3:00 in the morning when I got up and … Read More


Categories: catching up, check in, esteem, good day, music

I don’t have any real anything to say today. I’m kind of floating through. I took my chapter picture today. I felt especially pretty. My hair is really doing this long thing and my skin finally calmed down enough for me to put some makeup on it. And the outfit was flattering. For the first … Read More


Categories: catching up, check in, music, numb

“Cause I love to hate the feeling… don’t want to deal with the Morning after… What can I say to keep you down. What can I say to keep you down. What can I say to keep your love around me?” I was reading the Onion yesterday on the way home to lift my spirits. … Read More


Categories: check in, random musings, really? nothing

I’ve been marveling at the amount of rain that’s been falling lately. You would think that it’s April every day lately. I’m getting really tired of all the rain. *sigh* Oh well. Thundering passed over. It’s the only part about Rain that I really don’t like, because if it starts before I go to sleep… … Read More


Categories: check in

I’m completely drained today… I have shouldered an awful lot of everyone else’s muck today that I feel down, now, myself. I’m going right to bed. Had a great time last night… shook my booty and hung with my girls. More on that after a long night’s rest. *

In the Valley

Categories: bad day, check in, health

Although I’m looking fantastical… my legs have been the weapons of mass destruction uncovered… I’m feeling under the weather. Just that quick, from floating on a cloud to questioning what I’ve known to be true. Good think I’ve documented everything so I can be reminded of all the beautiful things that God has bestowed on … Read More


Categories: catching up, check in, excursions, news and politic

This past weekend was spent watching many a movie. One I didn’t mention (as I run extremely late for work) is Bowling for Columbine. I was fortunate to find the most riveting and significant part (to me) to share with my blog (and anyone looking on). Enjoy a history lesson about fear in America and … Read More