One thing…
I caught myself grinning today. Just because. Not that big of a deal, right? But it was something...

We walked along a boardwalk that was headed to a beach. (not running alongside the shoreline but the...

Do Over
Crazy dream last night. I was working in a place that was constructed as a hybrid between Vanguarde...
Do it Anyway. Do it Now.
After a particularly rough weekend – emotionally… and after much consternation, I finally fell asleep tonight about 2...

Alternative Realities
I could have sworn I’ve written about him more, but I guess I haven’t. I scoured the pages...
Dear Victoria,
Dedicated to you, my eternal love. I DO hope they find you and bring you back. Lost Queen...

1985. In a class full of 30 fidgety, morphing 11-year-olds Ms. Gagliardo instructed us to begin breaking our...

I’ve listened to literally hundreds of motivational speakers in my life. Whether it’s been me in a crowd...
4:18AM Been rustling for a half hour now. Feeling a disruption in the spirits tonight. Not sure what...
Piece of a dream
Just woke up from a brief nap and had the most insane dream.ƒ There was a lot more...