Call the Calling Off Off
Today is the first day in a long time that I’ve thought to myself… “Maybe I should just...
Insomnia The birds in my neighborhood start their song at 4:30AM. Why do I know this? Cause I...
The Trip Down the Aisle
Not my trip literally, but all the makings of Lavern & Andrew’s Wedding. We made it. It’s over,...
Cheese Fries and Red Wine
This here is the reason I’ll never lose any significant amounts of weight and be able to KEEP...
All the validation I need…
My cousin Ollie just called me after crossing the stage at Temple University where he graduated with honors,...
Positive & Motivating
I got this email from my cousin Ollie today. And I haven’t been able to get it together...
Old School
It’s amazing what good movies can do for a night. Good, old school movies that take you back...
God Answers Prayers
I can’t believe I forgot to elaborate / tell the story of God’s Goodness. So I’ll do it...
Spring Cleaning
That’s what we’ve been doing in this household. Thanks to my baby and his steadfast commitment to his...
Rude Awakening
Sometimes, music in the waking world seeps into your dream… maybe as the band that’s playing at some...