The Number You Have Reached…
I have always been a radio girl. I may not have always studied each and every song as...

The Day Ossie Died
“Here – at this final hour, in this quiet place – Black Love and Endurance has come to...
I went to the Concert for Love tonight which was to benefit the American Diabetes Association where famous...
Superman is Dead
It’s not too strange to think that’s what he’ll be remembered as. He was the Superman of my...
The Power of Life and Death
… is in the tongue. What power and awe can be instilled with words. I’m sitting here on a...
The Presence of the Lord is Here
I have to believe that He is. In His way, for me. I was at the Night of...
September 11th
I woke up this morning to the constant pounding and hammering next door. The vastness and emptiness of...
Vacation — All I ever wanted
My Soundtrack for this week: When I tell you that this week was NEEDED… I kid you not....