My Baby’s Bday

Categories: celebrations, good day, really? nothing

Today is my baby’s birthday So I’m spending the weekend with him. 3 more days till mine 🙂 I still don’t know what to expect. But after last week, I’m not expecting anything anymore. Just waiting and seeing. I went to the Apollo yesterday and it reconfirmed for me that my people STAY ghetto! I’ve … Read More

Today Is Better

Categories: recovering, why am i doing this again?

Wooo… yesterday was just a bad day. I really felt a welling up of emotions that I didn’t know where they were all coming from. But I know now. And she’s right on schedule (for a change). Although a drag… I’m glad it’s here. I saw this pregnant woman walking down the street today on … Read More

Better If I Stayed Home

Categories: bad day, why am i doing this again?

I might have done better if I stayed home today. It’s been one of those days. Nothing about me is right. I’m mad at my self for looking the way I do… living my life financially the way I have. Today, there’s nothing anyone can tell me that will make me feel like anything more … Read More

Going Out Tonight

Categories: love & marriage, really? nothing

So I probably won’t be home in a timely manner, nor will I feel like blogging when I get home. I’ll just feel like sleeping. I talked to my Nininne today. I really miss her. I told her I’d come see her out in Florida… and you KNOW I have to love someone to tell … Read More

Party Train

Categories: catching up, good times, makin moves, shenanigans

This was a good weekend. I just cold stopped writing for the weekend. Every night I got in was just so weary and sleepy… I couldn’t even think to write a couple of words. There’s so much to cover. So I guess this will be a long post AP’s surprise Bday Party I went to … Read More

I grow weary of narrowmindedness

Categories: really? nothing

I’m surrounded by people who have no broad thoughts or who only want to do things their way. It’s so frustrating sometimes. I think I’m PMSing these days… because everything that is sensitive is sore and swollen… including my emotions. And folks just wanna keep poking at me. It’s not fair. Maybe after I get … Read More

I’m writing from work

Categories: why am i doing this again?, work crap

So you know this has to be bad. You know… once upon a time, if I got “called in” to any head honcho’s office… it was usually to talk about how they’re pleased with my work. I do good work. I’m a smart girl… I’m confident of this. But this company… damnit… they only call … Read More

I was not designed to be a slave

Categories: random musings, really? nothing

I really need to go into business for myself. Because this answering to people crap has to end. I was the victim of a classic case of kick the dog today… and I really have no one to turn and kick in return, because I’m the BOTTOM of the stupid totem pole. That has to … Read More

Sick at home

Categories: bad day, esteem, music

I stayed home sick today. I always wonder if the folks at work really believe me when I call in. Then I ask my self if I really care. I guess if they were so concerned, they’d call. But a co-worker of mine out in LA got fired for lying about his whereabouts on a … Read More


Categories: growing, mommy stories, why am i doing this again?

Today was pretty blah. I had a restless nights sleep. Last night I cut a “friend” off. I use that loosely. He wasn’t much of a friend. More like… someone I gave and gave and gave to… and he took and took and took… and expected more. Which was a perfectly fine model of friendship … Read More